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Who Benefits From The Plethora Of Existing Labour Laws In India??

Who Benefits From The Plethora Of Existing Labour Laws In India??

The current labour laws are neither beneficial to the labour nor to the industries and that the only sector which they have protected is the bureaucracy.

If we look at the entire manufacturing sector, labour needs more social security. There is a lot of exploitation of labour. But we do not want to look at real problems and issues of labour laws. Because in our country, when you talk of labour laws, it is perceived that you are anti-labour and pro-industrial.

We should look at the labour laws and question did they really benefit the labour, did they expand the labour market, did they protect the labour???

However, the Trade Unions are not looking at that aspect of the matter but going by their own political interests and motives.

The basic point to be noted is that if we allow the Government to streamline the labour laws, we will improve the ease of doing business. This will in turn attract more industries to be set up and thereby generate employment for the people of India. This will help in the economic prosperity of India and its people...

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